Le braconnage de rhinocéros désigne le meurtre illégal de rhinocéros pour leurs cornes, très prisées dans certaines cultures. Le rhinocéros blanc était presque éteint dans les années 1900, avec seulement 50 à 100 individus restants dans la nature, et malgré une augmentation de la population qui atteint maintenant près de 16 000 individus, les rhinocéros blancs sont toujours les sous-espèces les plus menacées par le braconnage.

Dan, un Malinois belge âgé d’un an, a été élevé et formé à Dogs 4 Wildlife à Carmarthenshire. La semaine dernière, Dan a retrouvé Viola, un bébé rhinocéros qui avait été pris au piège dans un piège dans la province de KwaZulu-Natal, avec sa mère à proximité. Le compte TikTok @Dogs4wildlife a publié des images de la sauvegarde étonnante de la femelle rhinocéros blanc et son petit.
@dogs4wildlife ⚠️ A critical rhino poaching incident unfolded yesterday at Bonamanzi, highlighting the HUGE importance of our Ranger & K9 Unit on the reserve. ⚠️ A heart in mouth moment -as a White Rhino, was caught in a snare with her young calf Viola nearby💔 (*Viola, named after Lead Actress Viola Davis was born during the making of The Woman King whilst filming on location.) 🙏🏼🦏⚠️Thankfully due to the keen eye of Project Rhino & The IFPCP’s Anti Poaching and K9 Unit, together with Dan, from Dogs4wildlife, Viola was spotted in distress, and the plea for help went out. Thankfully, both mother and calf are ok and safe. ⚠️Illegal hunting of animals is a huge challenge in South Africa’s game ⚠️The costs involved in removing a snare from a young Rhino is tremendous, and requires helicopter and veterinary assistance. Both Mother and calf need to be darted from the air with multiple ground support to guide and stabilize both animals. ❤️We would also like to thank, donor James Harwood from Anglesey, North Wales for his prompt support and charity, to ensure the swift and immediate action to save Viola, and preserve the White Rhino for future generations. 👉🏻James is visiting South Africa on our Ultimate Conservation Experience and has now been a part of what drives us every single day to make a change. ✅🦏 With more boots on the ground at Bonamanzi there will continue to be an increase in snares being found, which is a HUGE positive but we need to be constantly patrolling and need more boots and paws on the ground, including Nkosi 🐶 🦏🐘🦒Cumbria Zoo Company, Dogs 4 Wildlife, The IFPCP and Project Rhino have united for a common cause; the ongoing conservation and protection of one of South Africa’s most bio diverse natural heritage sites at Bonamanzi… 👊🏻We still desperately need funds and sponsorship to support Dan and to get Nkosi, our Bavarian Mountain Hound dog to Bonamamzi later this year. ❤️ Every little helps and we are so grateful to everyone who has donated so far and supported this important cause 🙏🏻❤️🐶👊🏻 🎁TO DONATE: www.dogs4wildlife.org/donate 🦓🦒🦏 BE THE CHANGE 💚 #savetherhino #rhino #savewildlife #conservation #antipoaching #africa #african #rhinos ♬ original sound – Dogs4Wildlife
Sur Facebook, Dogs4wildlife a partagé cette nouvelle encourageante : Nous avons constaté une diminution significative pouvant aller jusqu’à 75% du braconnage avec l’introduction de nos chiens anti-braconnage et dans certaines réserves, il a été complètement éradiqué.